Thursday, September 6, 2012

Negative development and positive results.

I finally developed four rolls of 120 film shot with my 1951 Kodak Brownie Hawkeye flash model. I used Ben Thornton's two bath development process based off of an older Stocker formula. I was very surprised and
pleased with the results. The film was expired 100 and 125 iso, two T-mac, one Pan-X, and one Fujifilm FP4. The shutter and aperture of the Brownie is roughly F16 @ 1/30 of a second. Exposures made with out flash have a very good range of highlights, midtones, and shadows though the dark areas seem to be a bit thin. I scanned the negs with an Epson scanner which makes very pleasing reproductions ( well, on the monitor as least ). However, its not truly a photograph until one has a tangible print, now is it? So, with LoMo, Holga and other toy cameras becoming so prevelent and popular today, not to mention Hipstamatic, it has been very pleasing to create photos using a forefather of these "newer" photographic contraptions. The images attached to this blog were shot at the 2012 Appalachian String Band Festival in Clifftop, WV.

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